Latest Episodes
Celia Siegel: Marketing Your VO Business
Voice-over Marketing and Branding expert Celia Siegel returns for another interview with Julie Williams, this time discussing key points for marketing a voiceover business.
Dave Fennoy: Voicing For Video Games
Julie Williams interviews video game voice extraordinaire Dave Fennoy, also the well-recognized "Voice of Hulu." Dave discusses trends in the field of voice-overs for...
The World-Voices Organization (WOVO)
Julie Williams interviews Dave Courvoisier, board member of The World-Voices Organization (WOVO), and finds out what this new voiceover industry organization can offer individual...
Celia Siegel: Branding Your VO Business
An interview about Branding your voiceover business with Celia Siegel, a well-known veteran of voiceover marketing and branding.